Brazil News

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FreeBrazilian demand for industrial products increases slightly in April

FreeBrazilian manganese ore exports decline in May

FreeVale maintains investment levels for waste dam elimination

FreeCSN confirms interest in acquiring Samarco

FreeExports of Brazilian niobium ferroalloys increase in May

FreeSamarco and creditors settle on arbitration

FreeLatin American crude steel production declines in April

FreeBrazilian plate exports increase sharply in May

FreeDomestic Brazilian steel product sales increase in May

FreeBrazilian flat steel distributor sales increase in May

FreeSamarco files lawsuit against its creditors

FreeBrazilian civil construction activity reflects varying sector performance

FreeBrazil’s CSN eyes acquisition of local pellet producer Samarco

FreeSamarco opens integrated operations center

FreeBrazilian wire rod exports increase in May

FreeAll CSN workers approve the proposal for annual readjustment of salaries

FreeReduction of barriers to US slab imports from Brazil may not be discussed immediately

FreeBrazilian industrial production increases in May

FreeBrazilian pig iron exports increase in May

FreeBillet exports decline sharply in Brazil

FreeBrazilian civil construction sector forms third group to import rebar from Turkey

FreeMountain range could be declared heritage site and halt iron ore project in Brazil

FreeBiden accepts talks about reduction of barriers to US slab imports from Brazil

FreeAnglo American unveils association with Brazilian port to save water

FreeBrazilian industrial entrepreneurs express increased confidence in the economy

FreeBolsonaro will ask Biden to reduce barriers on Brazilian slab exports to the US

FreeFitch upgrades ratings for Brazil’s Gerdau, outlook remains stable

FreeDanieli to revamp Aperam’s Steckel mill plant in Brazil

FreeAll areas of Brazil’s CSN operating at full pace

FreeVale launches subsidiary focused on the future of mining and metals sustainability

FreeBrazilian civil construction sector forms second group to import rebar from Turkey

FreeBrazilian auto industry production shows sharp increase in May

FreeBrazilian steel producers postpone price increase

FreeTernium will increase scrap usage at Rio de Janeiro plant

FreeCSN and workers' union dispute could be decided today

FreeBrazilian civil construction activity declines slightly in April

FreeArcelorMittal to revamp longstanding steel plant in Brazil

FreeChinese company receives approval for iron ore project in Brazil

FreeCreditors modify original plan for Samarco

FreeWorkers reject “final” proposal from CSN

FreeArcelorMittal Brazil orders billet-grinding machine

FreeExports of niobium ferroalloys from Brazil decline in April

FreeWorkers’ union will vote fourth proposal from CSN

FreeBrazilian flat steel distributor sales decrease in April

FreeTernium plans major revamping of blast furnace in Rio de Janeiro plant

FreeBrazilian heavy plate exports decline in April

FreeAperam will increase investments in Brazil

FreeAnother iron ore export terminal will be built in Rio de Janeiro

FreeUsiminas announces new board structure

FreeBrazilian wire rod exports decline in April

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