Colombia News

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FreeColombia’s iron and steel export volume remains stable in Jan-Feb

FreeColombia’s iron and steel export volume up 43.7 percent in January

FreeColombia’s iron and steel export volume up 35.7 percent in 2022

FreeColombia declares new gas pipeline of national strategic interest

FreeColombia’s iron and steel export volume up 38.6 percent in Jan-Nov

FreeColombia’s iron and steel export volume up 46.1 percent in Jan-Oct

Free2022 steel consumption in most Latin American countries declines year-over-year

FreeColombia’s iron and steel export volume up 40.2 percent in Jan-Sept

FreeColombia’s iron and steel export volume up 61 percent in Jan-Aug

FreeColombia’s iron and steel export volume up 76.4 percent in January-July

FreeColombia’s iron and steel export volume up 97.5 percent in H1

Free哥伦比亚的钢铁出口总额97ent in January-May

FreeColombia’s iron and steel export volume doubles in Jan-Apr

FreeColombian producers guarantee the supply of steel to the country

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