Far East News

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免费的Fitch: Steel markets will normalise in 2023, excluding China

免费的NBS: Local Chinese rebar prices up 0.4 percent in early December

免费的China’s shipbuilding output falls by 5.5 percent in January-November

免费的Annual coal output in Shanxi, China to total 1.3 billion mt in 2022

免费的CASS: China’s PPI to increase by 1.2 percent in 2023

免费的MOC: Average steel prices in China fluctuate within limited range on Nov 28-Dec 4

免费的CAAM: China's auto vehicle sales down by 7.9 percent in Nov

免费的Sales of vehicles in China to reach 26.8 million units in 2022

免费的Freight volume on Daqin railway totals 360.72 million mt in Jan-Nov

免费的Kunming Steel to relocate production to Anning Industrial Park

免费的China's steel industry PPI decreases by 18.7 percent in Nov

免费的China's excavator sales up 15.8 percent in November

免费的CPCA: China’s passenger vehicle retail sales down six percent in Nov

免费的China’s coal imports down 10.1 percent in January-November

免费的JFE Steel and Nippon Steel plan to invest further in electrical steel

免费的China’s steel exports up 28.2% in Nov, pushes Jan-Nov change to positive zone

免费的Xinpu Steel to transfer 1.4 million mt of iron-smelting capacity and 2.0 million mt of steelmaking capacity

免费的China’s Handan city initiates level II emergency pollution response

Baofeng Energy Group’s annual coal capacity amounts to 7.2 million mt

免费的China’s iron ore imports down 2.1 percent in January-November

免费的CISA mills’ daily steel output rises further in late November, up 1.32%

免费的Japanese auto output down 3.2 percent in January-September

免费的MOC: Average steel prices in China down slightly during Nov 21-27

免费的CPCA: China’s new energy vehicle wholesale sales up 71 percent in Nov

免费的Anhui Masteel to sell 71 percent equity in Heling Industrial

免费的China’s local government bonds total RMB 7.28 trillion in Jan-Nov

免费的NBS: Local Chinese rebar prices down 0.1 percent in late Nov

免费的Stocks of main finished steel products in China down 1.6% in late Nov

免费的Steel sector PMI in Hebei decreases to 41.5 percent in November

免费的China Railway: Freight volumes of coal on national railways up 8.1% in Jan-Nov

免费的Average new house prices in 100 Chinese cities down 0.06 percent in Nov

免费的Japan’s steel exports down 6.5 percent in January-October

免费的Japan’s industrial output down 1.7 percent in September from August

免费的China Auto Dealer Inventory Warning Index at 65.3 percent in November

免费的Japan imposes AD duties on galvanized steel wire from China and S. Korea

免费的Toyota’s global vehicle output and sales rise in October amid solid demand

免费的CISA: Coking coal purchase cost in China up 38.08 percent in Jan-Oct

免费的Japan’s steel scrap exports down 15.3 percent in January-October

免费的Ansteel plans 13 million mt of scrap processing capacity by 2025

免费的Heavy truck sales in China expected to fall by 52 percent in 2022

免费的China’s shipbuilding output declines by 3.6 percent in Jan-Oct

免费的PBC to cut the RRR by 0.25 percentage points as of December 5

免费的Chinese steel enterprises’ profits down 92.7 percent in Jan-Oct

免费的Japan’s domestic steel consumption down 7.1 percent in Jan-Sept

免费的Nippon Steel to acquire more stakes in coking coal mines to boost self-sufficiency

免费的CISA: Demand-supply balance in China to be stable, prices to fluctuate in limited range

免费的Japanese crude steel output up 2.9 percent in October from September

免费的Toyota cuts December output forecast by 100,000 units

免费的Japan’s CR steel strip shipments up 10.7 percent in Sept from Aug

免费的CPCA: China’s average daily passenger vehicle retail sales up 8% in Nov 14-20

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