HOA PHAT集团在第1季度的净利润三倍

2月26日星期一2021年12:31:49(GMT + 3)|伊斯坦布尔

越南钢铁生产商HOA Phat集团已宣布其本年第一季度的财务业绩。In the first quarter, the company reported a net profit of VND 7 trillion ($304.24 million), three times higher compared to the same period of the previous year, while the company’s revenue totaled VND 31 trillion ($1.35 billion), up by 60 percent year on year.

In the given quarter, the company’s steel sales totaled more than 2.16 million mt, including 855,000 mt of construction steel, 386,000 mt of billet and 665,000 mt of hot rolled coil, up by 17 percent, 27 percent and 75 percent respectively, all compared to the fourth quarter of 2020. The company’s steel pipe and galvanized steel sales also increased sharply in the given period.

In 2020, Hoa Phat reported a net profit of VND 13.5 trillion ($587.57 million), increasing by 78 percent compared to the previous year and nearly 10 times higher than 2010. Last year, the company’s revenue totaled VND 91 trillion ($3.96 billion), setting a record, up by 41 percent compared to 2019.

同时,在2021年,HOA Phat集团旨在生产270万吨热轧卷,920,000吨钢管,300,000吨镀锌钢,500多万吨建筑钢铁和坯料。

该公司还宣布,它已委任Nguyen Viet Thang,担任Hoa Phat集团首席执行官,为期五年,取代了Tran Tuan Duong。任命Nguyen Viet Thang是公司重组其运营模式,转让执行责任,培训HOA Phat集团的下一代关键领导者的一部分。

Hoa Phat将在越南建造一家集装箱工厂,作为之前报道的斯蒂巴斯。“Hoa Phat有许多有利因素来构建集装箱。钢铁占集装箱产量成本的60%,Hoa Phat可以制作特殊的耐候性HRC钢铁,“董事会主席Tran Dinh Long说。





