Imp/exp Statistics News

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FreeChina’s coke exports rise by 35.3 percent in January-February

FreeUS mechanical tubing imports up 22.3 percent in January

FreeJapan’s CR steel strip shipments down 10.8 percent in Jan from Dec

FreeUS ITC: Importers pay nearly full cost of Section 232 tariffs

FreeBrazilian plate exports decline in February

FreeUS plates in coil exports up 54.9 percent in January

FreeUS hot rolled bar imports up 11.3 percent in January

FreeVietnam’s steel output and sales fall in January-February

FreeCoal exports from Queensland down 12.4 percent in February

FreeTurkey to establish tracking system for rebar

Free我们在Ja CRC出口增长了19.6%nuary

FreeUS wire rod imports up 15.2 percent in January

FreeTaiwan’s scrap imports up 2.2 percent in January-February

FreeRussia’s stainless steel imports down 37.5 percent in Feb from Jan

FreeUS HRC exports up 70.1 percent in January

FreeUS drawn wire imports up 4.0 percent in January

FreeJapan’s new ship export orders decrease in February from January

FreePakistani engineering government body calls for solution of LC issue for scrap imports

FreeTurkish motor vehicle sales up 50.8 percent in January-February

FreeManganese ore shipments via Port Hedland down 60.6 percent in Feb from Jan

FreeUS cut-length plate exports up 4.3 percent in January

FreeUS standard pipe imports up 21.3 percent in January

FreeUK to change its trade remedies system

FreeIron ore exports via Port Hedland down 19.1 percent in Feb from Jan

FreeUS HDG exports up 37.1 percent in January

FreeBrazilian wire rod exports decline in February

FreeUS iron and steel scrap exports down 15.4 percent in January

FreeUS line pipe imports down 6.2 percent in January

FreeFrance’s steel product import value up 27.3 percent in 2022

FreeFrance’s steel product export value up 19.4 percent in 2022

FreeCanadian trade surplus widens to $1.9 billion in January

FreeUS steel exports up 23.1 percent in January

FreeUS OCTG imports down 3.4 percent in January

FreeMexican finished steel trade declines in January

FreeUS steel import permits down 16.3 percent in February

FreeTaiwan’s iron and steel export value down 28.1 percent in Jan-Feb

FreeUS mechanical tubing exports down 32.9 percent in December

FreeUS plates in coil imports down 11.7 percent in January

FreeColombia’s iron and steel export volume up 43.7 percent in January

FreeIndia’s finished steel output up 2.9% in Feb, consumption up 11%

FreeBrazilian automotive production increases in February

FreeMexican galvanized sheet production and consumption increase marginally in January

FreeMexican CRC production and consumption decline in January

FreeUS merchant bar exports up 7.7 percent in December

FreeUS rebar imports up 21.4 percent in January

FreeIndia’s coking coal imports at ports up 19 percent in April-February

FreeUS tool steel exports down 33.5 percent in December

FreeUS CRC imports down 10.9 percent in January

FreeUS HRC imports up 3.6 percent in January

FreeTCUD: Turkey’s steel output and exports to be supported by lower energy prices, import duty imposition

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