AJR also reported a sales revenue of MYR 539.42 million ($130.84 million) in the fourth quarter, down by 10.6 percent year on year, due to lower sales tonnages for both the domestic and export markets. For 2020, the company’s sales revenue totaled MYR 1.89 billion ($458.73 million) for 2020, compared to MYR 2.22 billion in 2019. Lower revenue in 2020 was mainly driven by lower domestic sales tonnage for the full year, and lower average selling prices during the first three quarters of the year."> 马来西亚的Ann Joo员额净亏损2020年,销售收入下降 - 狗万app足彩,manbet体育手机客户端,manbetx官网手机登入

马来西亚的Ann Joo员额净亏损2020年,销售收入下降

星期二,3月23日2021年15:20:20(GMT + 3)|伊斯坦布尔

基于马来西亚的钢铁制造商ANN JOO资源(AJR)在去年第四季度宣布了6210万(11.5亿美元)的净利润,而在上一年的同期记录的MYR 1952万元的净利润。该公司报告,2020年净亏损99.98亿美元(2425万美元),而2019年的净亏损89.86亿美元。

AJR还报告了第四季度539.42亿美元(13084万美元)的销售收入,同比下降10.6%,由于国内外市场销售较低的销售额。For 2020, the company’s sales revenue totaled MYR 1.89 billion ($458.73 million) for 2020, compared to MYR 2.22 billion in 2019. Lower revenue in 2020 was mainly driven by lower domestic sales tonnage for the full year, and lower average selling prices during the first three quarters of the year.



据消息人士称,上周上周迟到了30,000千万公吨的ex-malaysia 3sp entret,以575美元/千米/毫伏的价格确认了中国,货运评估为35-40美元/吨。中国的当地价格增加正在使这款市场对东盟供应商,特别是马来西亚造成吸引力。“价格正在上升[中国],因此,如果供应商可以以620美元/吨CFR及以上销售给中国,他们将不注意东南亚,”当地贸易商表示。


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