Metalloinvest launches production of grinding balls at OEMK

Monday, 12 October 2020 14:52:43 (GMT+3) |Istanbul

Russia-based leading steel producerMetalloinvesthas announced the launch ofproductionof a new product at its subsidiary OEMK.

Accordingly, the company has launched a ball rolling facility with an annual capacity of 43,000 mt of grinding balls with a diameter of 100-120 mm, weighing 4.6 kg and 8 kg, and of second and third hardness groups in line with GOST 7524-2015. The products are destined for the company’s own needs; however, shipments to third-party customers are not excluded, the company stated. The construction of the ball facility was started in September 2019, withMetalloinvest’s investment at around RUB 10 billion and with a Chinese engineering company WISDRI being the main supplier of process equipment.

“This is an important project forMetalloinvestunder the scope of synergy. Theproductionof grinding balls at OEMK will reduce iron oreproductioncosts at Lebedinsky and Mikhailovsky GOKs as a result of optimized delivery logistics, reduced transportation costs and guaranteedproductionquality. The next step will be to expand the product range in line with market demand”, managing director of OEMK, Sergey Shishkovets, commented. Grinding balls are used for ore crushing in ball mills at mining and processing enterprises.

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