Accordingly, in the first quarter this year, the company’s crude steel output totaled 3.30 million mt, increasing by 9.2 percent year on year due to the completion of modernization of Hot Rolling Mill 2500, while its pig iron production increased by two percent compared to the previous quarter totaling 2.57 million mt, driven by continuing high steel demand, while it rose by 9.2 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. In the given quarter, MMK’s finished steel sales totaled 2.90 million mt, down 4.6 percent from the previous quarter, and up by 5.8 percent year on year driven by the high utilization rate of Mill 2500 after the modernization."> MMK的钢铁销量在更好的需求中升起Q2 - 狗万app足彩,manbet体育手机客户端,manbetx官网手机登入


4月15日星期四2021年4月15日13:34:48(GMT + 3)|伊斯坦布尔


Accordingly, in the first quarter this year, the company’s crude steel output totaled 3.30 million mt, increasing by 9.2 percent year on year due to the completion of modernization of Hot Rolling Mill 2500, while its pig iron production increased by two percent compared to the previous quarter totaling 2.57 million mt, driven by continuing high steel demand, while it rose by 9.2 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. In the given quarter, MMK’s finished steel sales totaled 2.90 million mt, down 4.6 percent from the previous quarter, and up by 5.8 percent year on year driven by the high utilization rate of Mill 2500 after the modernization.

该公司的土耳其子公司MMK METURJI第一季度的总销量同比增长17%至196,000吨。与上一季度相比,总销售额减少了10.9%,反映了俄罗斯在第一季度和土耳其在土耳其挑战的半成品热轧股票的短缺,这增加了海运的交货时间。







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