S. Africa’s iron ore output down by 4.7 percent in May from April

Tuesday, 13 July 2021 15:08:09 (GMT+3) |Istanbul

According to the preliminary data released by StatisticsSouth Africa, in May this year the seasonally adjusted index ofiron oreminingproductioninSouth Africadecreased by 4.7 percent, while the country’smanganese oreproductionindex fell by 2.7 percent, both month on month. In the given month,South Africa’s nickelproductionfell by 16.0 percent month on month.

On year-on-year basis, in May this year South Africaniron oreproductionwas up by 48.4 percent, whilemanganese oreproductionincreased by 39.7 percent. In May, the country’s nickel output fell by 15.0 percent compared to the same month of 2020.

Furthermore, the country’s seasonally adjustediron oresales at current prices in May this year rose by 13.1 percent compared to the previous month, to ZAR 12.23 billion ($838.87 million), while the seasonally adjusted nickel sales value at current prices was up by 38.4 percent in the same month compared to April, amounting to ZAR 802.2 million ($55.01 million).South Africa’s seasonally adjustedmanganese oresales in May at current prices totaled ZAR 3.24 billion ($222.38 million), up by 13.2 percent month on month.

The year-on-year percentage change at current prices in the given month was up by 116.0 percent iniron oresales, up by 38.1 percent inmanganese oresales and rose by 182.3 percent in nickel sales.

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