SSAB Abandons与Tata Steel进行IJMUIDEN收购,报告2020年的净亏损

星期五,1月29日2021年12:28:41(GMT + 3)|伊斯坦布尔

瑞典专业钢铁制片人SSAB宣布,它缔结了关于荷兰Ijmuiden潜在收购塔塔钢铁欧洲钢厂的讨论,并决定不收购该工厂。该公司表示,由于技术原因,收购IJMuiden是困难的。SSAB首席执行官Martin Lindqvist表示,他们不能通过所需的方式与可持续性战略对齐IJMuiden工厂,并且收购不会符合其财务期望。

SSAB表示,它导致钢铁行业的转变为无化石生产。The group’s goal is to be the first in the world, in 2026, to supply fossil-free steel to the market and to be a fossil-free company by 2045. The rationale behind the discussions concerning Tata Steel IJmuiden was based on SSAB’s customers’ clear desire for a strong supplier of a broad range of fossil-free steel. This has also been about creating synergies between existing operations in the Nordic countries and in IJmuiden and getting closer to the European market.


SSAB.has also posted its financial results for 2020, reporting a net loss of SEK 490 million ($58.56 million), compared to a net profit of SEK 1.28 billion in 2019. The company’s sales revenues amounted to SEK 65.39 billion ($7.81 billion) in 2020, decreasing by 14.5 percent year on year. In the same period, the company reported an operating loss of SEK 325 million ($38.85 million) compared to an operating profit of SEK 2.16 billion recorded in 2019. SSAB stated that the results were affected by a weak market as a consequence of Covid-19.


SSAB预见到2021年第一季度对钢铁的需求将是良好的,由客户补充驱动。尽管如此,依据冠状病毒的发展将如何影响需求。在第一季度,估计全球对高强度钢材的需求良好。至于SSAB Americas,2021年第一季度的出货量预计将在良好的水平上继续。




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