Turkey's scrap imports up 46.96 percent in Sept over Aug

Thursday, 14 November 2013 15:46:43 (GMT+3) |Istanbul

In September this year,Turkey's steelscrapimport volume increased by 20.36 percent year on year to 2,157,489 metric tons, up 46.96 percent compared to the previous month, according to the data provided by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK). The value of this import volume totaled $797.23 million, up 12.22 percent year on year and increasing by 52.12 percent compared to the previous month.

In September of the current year,Turkeyimported 520,041 mt ofscrapsteel from theUS, up 40.93 percent month on month. TheUSremained first amongTurkey主要的钢铁scrapimport sources with 4.06 million mt in the first nine months of the year, ahead of theUKandRomania.

On the other hand, in the January-September period this year,Turkey's steelscrapimport volume decreased by 13.07 percent to 14.65 million mt, valued at $5.6 billion, down 22.9 percent, both year on year. As SteelOrbis has been informed by the Turkish Iron and Steel Producers' Association,Turkey's steelscrapimport volume is expected to show a drop of 3 million mt this year compared to 2012, affected by the gradual increase inTurkey's domesticscrapgeneration.

Turkey's mainscrapsources on country basis in the first nine months of this year are presented below:

Turkey's top 10 steelscrapimport sources in January-September 2013 are as follows:

Country Volume (mt)


Jan-Sept. 2012

Sept. 2013

Sept. 2012

US 4.061.583 4.768.913 520.041 607.416
UK 1.855.382 1.677.633 266.885 107.366
Romania 1.567.554 1.415.624 119.125 167.420
Russia 1.412.784 1.780.408 238.660 252.473
Belgium 821.968 891.425 206.697 97.812
Netherlands 738.382 1.336.206 135.036 158.621
Germany 494.658 481.211 81.733 55.681
Bulgaria 478.357 498.021 41.635 36.057
Denmark 378.216 282.845 63.646


Lebanon 320.194 265.076 25.965 37.013

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