Steelmaking Analyses

SteelOrbis provides the latest flats and slab prices and price trends via the flats and slab price reports and market analyses listed below. These flats and slab price reports are derived from actual flats and slab market transactions and they can also be viewed on a weekly basis by using the archive drop-down tool below.

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End Date

Ex-India HDG prices stable, demand limited to stray discounted deals to Africa

Chinese HDG exporters attempt price increases despite limited demand, lower bids

土耳其零售扁钢价格继续上升,但e万博亚洲城xpectations gloomy

Flat steel prices in local Taiwanese market - week 36

Chinese domestic stainless steel prices mostly increase

Local and import HRC prices in EU keep climbing due to energy issue

Ex-China CRC market remains weak despite suppliers’ hopes for improvement

HRC import activity still slow in Vietnam, market seeks clearer direction

Indian HRC exporters mostly not aggressive, but some cut prices to sign deals

Ex-China HRC offers from mills slightly higher, but deal prices keep falling

Ex-China stainless steel prices edge up

Stronger local HRC prices in Turkey trigger uptrend in import segment

Ex-China steel plate prices still stable amid lack of demand improvement

Indian domestic mills cut flat products base prices by $19-25/mt for Sept

Iran’s Mobarakeh Steel collects bids in ongoing slab tender

Chinese domestic PPGI prices move on downtrend

Global View on HRC: European and Turkish suppliers target higher prices, Asian market weakens

Turkish retail flat steel segment evaluates effect of higher energy costs

Ex-India HDG prices down further amid weak currency, fail to trigger buying

HRC import activity still slow in Vietnam, buyers expect further discounts

Ex-China HDG prices hit new low due to falling futures and slow trading

Flat steel prices in local Taiwanese market - week 35

Chinese stainless steel prices mostly stable, with some slight upticks

Russian mills still only ones active in Turkey’s HRC and slab markets

Import HRC prices to Pakistan relatively stable, but buyers expect declines

Ex-China CRC prices retreat again amid weak demand, lack of local market support yet

Ex-China HRC prices keep falling amid continuous drops in local and futures prices

Ex-India HRC prices largely maintain, but slight uptick seen in Gulf

Ex-China stainless steel prices remain stable

Indian CRC trade price stable, though discounted sales by re-rolling mills continue and outlook divergent

Ex-China steel plate prices stable, with slight increases seen locally

Local Indian HRC trade prices under renewed pressure, uncertainties over Sept base price

Global View on HRC: Mood in global HRC market still poor

ArcelorMittal raises its coil offers in Europe beyond expectations

Turkey's HRS retail prices on hold but CRS offers falling

Chinese domestic PPGI prices move down

HRC prices in Europe move downwards, activity still limited

Flat steel prices in local Taiwanese market - week 34

Ex-Russia HRC export limited for September due to temporarily livelier domestic market

Slab prices in Asia rolled back due to weak HRC performance

Indian HDG exports sustained by trades to few African destinations, prices ease

Ex-China HDG prices stable with pressure from limited demand, though outlook slightly up

Ex-China CRC prices move sideways, but outlook remains bearish

Sentiment in Vietnamese HRC import market still weak

Indian HRC exporters forced to roll back increases, but prefer not to become aggressive

Ex-China stainless steel prices move sideways

Ex-China HRC prices drop further despite some local rebound early this week

Workable HRC prices keep softening in Turkey

Tokyo Steel drops local steel prices by 4.9-6.5% for Sept due to slow demand, international pressure

Ex-China steel plate prices expectedly drop amid slow demand, futures fall

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