Spain Analyses

SteelOrbis provides the latest flats and slab prices and price trends via the flats and slab price reports and market analyses listed below. These flats and slab price reports are derived from actual flats and slab market transactions and they can also be viewed on a weekly basis by using the archive drop-down tool below.

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Gap between domestic and import CRC and HDG prices widens in Europe

Global View on HRC: Ex-China discounts trigger negative mood globally

European HRC mills target rises in April, but sustainability questionable

European HRC producers still positive, but import prices fluctuate

Global View on HRC: Trend still positive, but higher offers face resistance in some regions

HRC prices remain strong in EU market, more hikes in import prices

European HRC mills push for more hikes, interest in imports increases

Domestic and import HRC prices in EU stable at high levels despite slow trade

European HRC mills keep offers stable, future trend lacks clarity

Global View on HRC: Prices still up globally but doubts over sustainability of uptrend

European HRC mills maintain high offers, further rise doubtful despite bullishness in imports

Import HRC prices rise in new deals in southern Europe

Local HRC prices in EU keep climbing, outlook still positive

Domestic and import HRC prices in Europe trend up as expected

European HRC mills raise prices ahead of holidays, trade to revive in mid-Jan

Domestic and import HRC rises in EU despite slowing business activity

European HRC mills keep offers stable, mood upbeat as bullishness mounts in import segment

HRC prices stop decreasing in EU, import offers on the rise

European HRC prices seem to have bottomed out, but significant rise still doubtful

Asian HRC suppliers keep cutting prices sharply in Europe, local market seeks clearer direction

Tradable local and import HRC prices in EU fall further amid slow demand

Mood still poor in EU domestic and import HRC market

Slow demand in EU HRC market, import prices keep exerting pressure

HRC prices down further in EU, mills expected to cut outputs to limit declines

HRC prices in Europe move downwards, further drop still possible

Tradable HRC prices drop further in Europe, buyers still in wait-and-see mode

HRC prices in Europe still relatively stable, local and import trade slow

HRC prices mainly stable in Europe, high stocks and low demand remain an issue

HRC buyers in EU push local mills for discounts, interest in import offers increases

EU HRC market slows down ahead of holidays, lower import offers fail to attract buyers

Buyers in EU HRC market still in wait-and-see mode

Local HRC prices in EU keep dropping, import prices follow suit

HRC prices fall further in EU, lower prices still awaited

Mood weakens further in southern European HRC market

HRC importers in southern EU delay bookings amid low demand, mood still bearish

Occasional low-priced import HRC deals in southern EU, local market still depressed

Import HRC prices decline in Spain, foreseen to hit bottom soon

Mood in Spain’s import HRC market still poor

Southern Europe’s HRC import segment continues downtrend, buying still limited

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