Russia Analyses

SteelOrbis provides the latest longs and billet prices and price trends via the longs and billet price reports and market analyses listed below. These longs and billet price reports are derived from actual longs and billet market transactions and they can also be viewed on a weekly basis by using the archive drop-down tool below.

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Global View on Billet: Downtrend accelerates

Global View on Billet: Bearishness prevails in all major outlets, outlook still not bright

Ex-Russia billet prices inch down as bearish mood still prevails

Billet market mood mixed in Turkey amid unclear scrap trend

Ex-Russia billet prices keep softening due to bearish moods in Turkey

Global View on Billet: Mood becomes bearish, no full-scale downtrend yet

Russian billet exporters unable to achieve higher deal prices

Uptrend halted in Asian billet market, only a few positions taken by traders

Ex-Russia billet traded at discounted price to the Philippines, new deals to Taiwan too

Global View on Billet: Prices retreat in Asia, Turkish market almost silent after earthquakes

Russian billet sellers hike prices further and achieve deals in Turkey, ceiling close

Russian billet exporters still positive, though Turkish market very slow

Global View on Billet: Uptrend continues in Asia and mood strong, but decline seen in Turkey

Deal prices decline for local and import billet in Turkey, but short-term expectation not yet negative

Global View on Billet: business slows down in most regions, suppliers mainly positive for early January

Ex-Russia billet trading in Turkey slows down as sellers mostly step back from offering

Global View on Billet: Market slows in terms of demand and prices, rises accepted only in SE Asia

Ex-Russia billet prices slip while trade sustained at minimal levels

Ex-Russia billet prices soften slightly amid reversal of bullish mood in Turkey

Ex-Russia billet prices rise amid better bids in Turkey, but trade still limited

Ex-Russia billet prices on the rise after rebound in Turkey

Ex-Russia billet trading hit by transportation issues at some ports

Russian domestic rebar and scrap prices down amid much weaker construction

Ex-Russia billet prices end week lower as Turkish market weakens further

Ex-Russia billet prices down as mood in Turkey worsens, though China withdraws low offers

Aggressive ex-Asia billet prices in Turkey put strong pressure on ex-Russia quotes

Ex-Russia billet prices decline despite still limited supply

Russian billet exporters seek to hike prices, but pressured by surging freight rates

Russian billet availability scarce, but mood improves on stronger scrap in Turkey

Import billet prices under pressure again in Turkey, after short-lived uptrend

Ex-Russia billet prices rebound, further rises possible amid cost-driven uptrend in Turkey

Global View on Billet: Price declines continue due to weak demand fundamentals

Ex-Russia billet prices loss $20/mt despite controversial market in Turkey

Russian billet exporters face weaker demand, prices down but depend on seller

Global View on Billet: Demand slack as most buyers resist uptrend until September

Buyers fail to respond to higher ex-Russia billet offers

Russian billet sellers exit export market, preparing for rise after scrap rebound

Number of billet offers from Russia to Turkey scarce, workable prices fall

Ex-Russia billet prices fall further, Turkey and North Africa bearish and inactive

Ex-Russia billet prices down amid weaker sentiment in Turkey and beyond

Ex-Russia billet deal rumoured in Turkey, prices appear to lose strength

Import billet prices in Turkey to gain clarity after holiday

Ex-Russia billet offer prices rise rapidly in Turkey, workable levels yet to be seen

Global View on Billet: Trend to switch to upward as scrap rebounds, fundamentals not very strong yet

Effect and effectiveness of Western sanctions on Russian steel sector, Part 2

Russian billet suppliers cut prices further, bottom may have been reached

Ex-Russia billet remains under pressure in talks to Turkey, North Africa

Ex-Russia billet prices still in freefall, though some sellers leave market

Ex-Russia billet prices collapse amid some sellers’ aggressive prices, weak scrap

China’s import billet prices fall very sharply with latest ex-Russia prices

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