Local Polish scrap market increases by €14-24/mt

Friday, 29 July 2022 15:36:51 (GMT+3) |Istanbul

Contrary to the rest of the European region, the local Polishscrapmarket has indicated an uptrend during the month of July amid the restocking of steel and raw materials observed in the country early in the month. Market players state that Polish mills are currently following diverse price policies. Some are trying to lower theirscrapprocurement quotations, while others are pushing for a rise. According to a source, the main concern inPolandright now is the possible reduction of gas and energy supplies in the coming winter. “Polish steelmakers are afraid of what winter will bring, and so they are trying to replenish their inventory levels before any possible gas and energy cuts,” a source commented regarding the price rise.

During the past month, prices in the local Polish market for HMS Iscraphave moved up by €14-24/mt to €354/mt DAP on average fixed in a recent deal, from levels of €330-340/mt DAP. Higher grades like bundlescrapare currently at around €402/mt CFR as compared to €340-350/mt DAP, according to sources.

Polish mills currently have a lot of raw material and finished steel inventories on hand. What separates them from the rest of the EU is their policy to get ready for the demand anticipated in the coming months. SteelOrbis has learned that to get ready for the potential disruptions of gas and energy supplies from Russia,Polandis importing large tonnages of coal. According to a Polish source,Polandwill buy 4.5 million tons of coal in the period up to late September and early October. This traffic is causing difficulties at Polish ports for the movement of other materials, one source noted. “No one can make a proper estimation for the future trend ofscrapinPolandas mills seem not to have decided a full-scale policy, but I think there is some more room for another rise in the coming weeks,” another source stated.

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