Tubing Analyses

SteelOrbis provides the latest tube and pipe prices via the daily tube and pipe price reports listed below. These tube and pipe price reports are derived from actual steel market transactions and they can also be viewed on a weekly basis by using the archive drop-down tool below.

Start Date
End Date

我们穹顶tic, Korean finished J55 OCTG casing prices

US HSS prices

US import API X-52 line pipe prices from Korea

我们穹顶tic API X-52 line pipe prices

Local Chinese steel pipe prices mostly continue to move down

US HSS prices still holding neutral

US HSS prices hold steady

Chinese steel pipe export offer prices move sideways

Chinese steel pipe export offer prices move down

US HSS prices rise after last week’s increase announcements

Atlas, Nucor announce HSS price increase

US HSS prices still stable, increase announcement expected

US HSS price increase announcement believed to be imminent

我们穹顶tic HSS tube mills raise prices by $80/nt

NASPD 2023: US energy pipe market still optimistic in 2023

US HSS price increase expected by the end of the month

US import API X-52 line pipe prices from Korea

我们穹顶tic line pipe prices

US HSS prices trend upward before shifting back down

US HSS tubing continues to trend stable

我们穹顶tic OCTG casing prices tick up month-over-month

我们穹顶tic line pipe prices

US import plain-end J55 ERW OCTG casing from Korea

我们穹顶tic A53 Grade A standard pipe prices

US HSS prices hold steady week-over-week

我们穹顶tic A53 Grade A standard pipe prices

US HSS / HRC price spread still significant; tube mills not interested in discounting material

我们穹顶tic line pipe prices

我们穹顶tic, import finished OCTG casing prices

我们穹顶tic A53 Grade A standard pipe prices

我们穹顶tic HSS prices still stable

Spot market prices for US domestic HSS tubing trends stable

US standard pipe prices “still inflated,” additional downward adjustments expected

US HSS prices stable after Nov. 15 revision

Nucor drops their book price for US HSS tubing

我们穹顶tic API X-52 line pipe prices

US standard pipe prices still mostly neutral

US import finished OCTG casing from Korea “not far off” from domestic prices

US standard pipe prices hold steady

US HSS prices “still hanging on”

US HSS prices still stable but additional adjustments are expected

我们穹顶tic HSS prices maintain steady trend

US standard pipe prices soften as expected

US HSS prices level after last week’s revision

美国国内API x 52价格

US HSS prices revise downward but deals are still available

US import OCTG prices from Korea and Taiwan

US HSS prices still stable but deep discounts are “rampant throughout the marketplace”

US standard pipe prices

我们穹顶tic HSS prices hold sideways after last week’s drop

Disclaimer: Although the data in this publication have been taken from reliable sources, their integrity, accuracy and stability/constancy cannot be guaranteed. The data in this publication are not comprised of data gathered from transactions carried within the SteelOrbis system. Reports shall in no way be taken as a proposal for selling and buying. SteelOrbis assumes no responsibility from losses caused by using these data in commercial transactions. Please contact the Customer Relations Department for further questions.